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V medijih
dr. Tanja Porčnik
Slovenia’s opportunity to grow as a democracy
Brussels Reporter
The Value of Constitutionalism in the European Union
, Review 16
(April 2022): 18-32.
Tanja Porčnik: Ekonomske slobode i imovinska prava podstiču inovacije
Mreža za globalne komunikacije
Liberalism in the post-pandemic world: a conversation with Tanja Porčnik
Mreža za globalne komunikacije (Global Communication Network)
Afterword: Working remotely is here to stay
, Review No. 14
Liberalna demokratija je u opasnosti
, Magazin Plus (22.2.2021),
Magazin Plus
Bolja Tuzla
(15.2.2021) i
Ekonomske slobode od ključnog značaja za otpornost tokom pandemije
, Nevidljiva ruka (16.2.2021)
Ekonomske slobode od ključnog značaja za otpornost tokom pandemije
, Nova ekonomija (15.2.2021)
Economic Freedom Vital for Resilience in a Pandemic
, (15.2.2021)
Liberal Democracy in Peril
, (20.12.2021)
La democracia en juego o en riesgo en EE.UU.
, (17.11.2020) in
La Patilla
Demokratin står på spel i eftervalets Amerika
Svensk Tidskrift
Democracy at Play – or at Risk – in America
The Brussels Times
(11.11.2020) and
Cato Institute
Demokracija v povolilni Ameriki
Democracy at Play – or at Risk – in America
The Market for Ideas
Power of Information
(October 24, 2020)
Access to Information in Times of Crisis
, Review
13 (October 9, 2020)
The Visio Journal
: “Editor’s Note“, Visio institut (August 2020)
Μια ευκαιρία για τις σχέσεις ΕΕ – Συμβουλίου Συνεργασίας του Κόλπου
Liberal – Πνευματικά δικαιώματα (6.4.2020)
Giving the EU-GCC Trade Relations a Chance
, Epicenter (11.3.2020) in
The EU should keep pursuing international free trade
, The Brussels Times (17.2.2020)
La liberalización económica y la región del Golfo
, Instituto Juan de Mariana (30.1.2020) in
El Cato
Personal Freedom Under Attack in India
, The Policy Times (29.1.2019),
Cato Institute
(29.1.2020) in
Fraser Forum
Liberalism Versus Authoritarianism
, (16.1.2020)
Η ανθρώπινη ελευθερία φθίνει σε πολλές χώρες
, Liberal – Πνευματικά δικαιώματα (14.1.2020)
La liberté économique dans le monde arabe, le remède à l’extrême pauvreté
, Contrepoints (11.1.2020)
Hrvatska je sada među najslobodnijim zemljama svijeta, ali nazadovali smo u 4 važna područja
, Portal grada Kaštela (11.1.2020)
Croatia Now Ranks among the Freest Countries in the World
, Cato Institute (10.1.2020)
Tanja Porčnik: Hrvatska je sada među najslobodnijim zemljama svijeta
, Otvoreno (9.1.2020) in
Poslovni dnevnik
Human Freedom Waning in Many Countries
, Cato Institute (10.1.2020)
How to take the shackles off African businesses
, Business Day (9.1.2020),
African Liberty
(10.1.2020) in
Cato Institute
Persian Gulf region badly needs economic liberalization
, Troy Media (9.1.2020) in
The Clarion
Africa’s development contingent on further economic liberalization
, Liberian Times (9.1.2020)
Baltic states continue march towards markets despite rocky road
, Fraser Forum (9.1.2020)
Human Freedom’s Relationships
, Visio institut (20.12.2020)
The Human Freedom Index 2019
, Cato Institute, Fraser Institute in Liberales institut (18.12.2019)
The Baltics are clear overachievers but serious challenges loom ahead,
The Baltic Times
Ένα «μίνι Σένγκεν»: Τα Δυτικά Βαλκάνια ανοίγονται στις αγορές
Liberal – Πνευματικά δικαιώματα
Opting for the markets 30 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall
The Baltic Times
Hong Kong: la lucha tanto por la democracia como por la libertad
La Prensa
“Mini Šengen” – Uspostava tržišta na Zapadnom Balkanu
, Sloboda i Prospiritet TV (24.11.2019)
“Mini Schengen” – Western Balkans’ Embrace of the Market
, IREF Europe (20.11.2019)
Cato Institute
Svensk Tidskrift
(22.11.2019) in
Fraser Forum
Three decades after the fall of the Berlin Wall
Estonian World
(9.11.2019) in
Fraser Forum
Three decades after the Fall of the Berlin Wall, Romania sees most notable economic liberalization
Romania Insider
Zid je padel, živela ekonomska svoboda!
NBA controversy underscores China’s bullying tactics
, Fraser Institute Blog (24.10.2019)
Soportando el ataque
, EL CATO (22.10.2019)
Hong Kong: Withstanding the Attack
New Delhi Times
(7.10.2019) in
Fraser Forum
Vse nižja raven politične svobode
Το Χονγκ Κονγκ αγωνίζεται για τη νομοκρατία, και όχι μόνο
Liberal – Πνευματικά δικαιώματα
Hongkong: «La liberté économique ne garantit pas la liberté politique»
Le Figaro
(17.9.2019) in
Hong Kong Fights for More Than Rule of Law
Svensk Tidskrift
Cato Institute
Fraser Institute
(13.9.2019) in
El coqueteo con el autoritarismo
, EL CATO (6.8.2019)
The flirtation with illiberalism
, IREF – The Institute for Research in Economic and Fiscal (3.7.2019),
Cato Institute
Detainee Rights: The Judicial vs. Congressional Check on the President in Wartime
Journal of Comparative Politics
(July 2019)
Eastern Europe 30 Years After Revolution
, IREF – The Institute for Research in Economic and Fiscal (10.5.2019)
The Visio Journal
3: “
Future of Europe: Security and Privacy in Cyberspace
“, Visio institut (20.12.2018)
Nationalism and Populism Detrimental to Freedom
, (10.12.2018) in
The Human Freedom Index 2018
, Cato Institute, Fraser Institute in Liberales institut (10.12.2018)
The state of liberalism in Central and Eastern Europe
, Emerging Europe (6.10.2018)
Freedom Under Assail
, The Market for Ideas (September-December 2018)
Niepewna przyszłość polityczna Słowenii po wyborach
, Magazyn Liberté! (12.6.2018)
Poziv volivcem: Za evropsko Slovenijo!,
Večer (25.5.2018),
Za evropsko Slovenijo
, PortalPlus (25.5.2018),
Podpisniki javnega pisma “Za evropsko Slovenijo!” od prihodnje vlade pričakujejo normalnost
, Reporter (25.5.2018),
Predvolilno: Poziv peterice k evropski normalnosti,
Spletni časopis (25.5.2018),
Ugledni intelektualci si želijo “evropske Slovenije”. Katera volilna izbira temu ustreza?,
Domovina (25.5.2018),
Za evropsko Slovenijo
, STA (25.5.2018)
Eastern Europe 25 Years After the Fall of Communism
, (15.5.2018)
Standing Strong and Firm for Personal Freedoms
,” v Review
8 (April 2018)
The Visio Journal
2: “
25 Years After the Fall of Communism: Eastern European Economies
“, Visio institut (2.4.2018)
Human Freedom Index: Freedom Under Assail Across the Globe
, (29.1.2018)
The Human Freedom Index 2017
, Cato Institute, Fraser Institute in Liberales institut (25.1.2018)
The Human Freedom Index 2016
, Cato Institute, Fraser Institute in Liberales institut (29.11.2016)
The Visio Journal
1: “Which way to the economic freedom revolution?
“, Visio institut (17.11.2016)
Re-imagining Europe – The Liberal Way. Ralf Dahrendorf Taskforce Policy Recommendations
, ELF – European Liberal Forum (29.12.2015)
New Human Freedom Index, U.S. Ranks 20th
, Cato institute (september 2015)
The Human Freedom Index
, Cato institut, Visio institut, Fraser institut in Liberales institut (18.8.2015)
Zakaj se pri prodaji Telekoma zatika?
, Večer (18.4.2015)
Peticija, ki daje upanje
, Reporter (2.2.2015)
ZA privatizacijo, ZA depolitizacijo gospodarstva
Zaslepljenost z minimalno plačo
, Reporter (12.1.2015) in Demokracija (14.1.2015)
Sanctions: Misguided Foreign Policy Tool
, 4Liberty (8.1.2015)
Razglednice s Kube, Reporter (29.12.2014)
Rusija na razpotju
, Reporter (22.12.2014)
EU-Russia Sanctions
, Ralf Dahrendorf Taskforce on the Future of the European Union, ELF – European Liberal Forum (17.11.2014)
Slovenia: On a Path Toward Liberalism
, 4Liberty (7.11.2014)
Regulacija medbančnih provizij za kartične plačilne transakcije
, Visio policy analiza #5 (3.11.2014)
Regulating Multilateral Interchange Fees, 4Liberty (3.11.2014)
“The Present Situation in Slovenia” v
Filling Institutional Voids: Market Self Organisation, Informal Sector or Organised Crime
, Centre for Research into Post-Communist Economies (november 2014)
Slovenski javnofinančni kiklop
, Reporter (27.8.2014)
Plenjenje in paternalizem
, Reporter (15.8.2014)
Večina Slovencev ni nikoli izkusila ali razumela liberalizma
, Demokracija, 17.7.2014
The (Neo)Liberalism Hunt
, 4Liberty (13.6.2014)
European Elections: Parliamentary Rehearsal in Slovenia
, 4Liberty (27.5.2014)
Slovenci niso izkusili liberalizma
, Časnik, 22.5.2014
Kar se Janezek nauči, to Janez zna
, Reporter (14.4.2014) in Časnik (8.5.2014)
Waiting for Godot
, 4Liberty (5.3.2014)
Lov na neoliberalizem
, Reporter (24.2.2014)
Global Trade Liberalization Again on Track
, 4Liberty (10.2.2014)
Prezrt navdih iz Karantanije
, Reporter (3.2.2014)
Novoletno darilo za mednarodno ekonomijo
, Reporter (2.1.2014)
Gospodarji, ovce in papagaji
, Reporter (9.12.2013)
Država, nisi moja mama
, Reporter (11.11.2013)
Operacija uspela, pacient umrl
, Reporter (28.10.2013)
Smoking and Tobacco Controls, The Irish Times (14.10.2013)
Ekonomska (ne)svoboda Slovencev, Reporter (23.9.2013)
Ekonomska svoboda je pravica Slovencev
, Demokracija (25.9.2013)
Slovenci vsako leto z manj ekonomske svobode
, Časnik (20.9.2013)
An Index of Freedom in the World
” v
Towards a Worldwide Index of Human Freedom
, Fraser Institute (8.1.2013)
Ekonomske reforme – slovenačka realnost?
, Peščanik (23.6.2012)
Ekonomske reforme – slovenska realnost?
, Demokracija (10.4.2012)
Ekonomska svoboda mene briga
, Demokracija (26.9.2011)
Krepitev pravne države v interesu vsakega državljana
, Demokracija (3.2.2011)
Nemčija poskuša uvesti davčni imperializem
, Tribunal (6.3.2008)
Europeans, not Americans, Should Try to Solve Kosovo Issue
, Katalaksija (5.3.2008)
Mednarodna skupnost in kosovsko vprašanje
, Tribunal (20.12.2007)
Rusija je demokratična le na papirju
, Tribunal (25.10.2007)