dr. Tanja Porčnik





Dr. Tanja Porčnik participated at the panel discussion on “Euroscepticism in the Russia-Ukraine war“. Other panelists were Dr. Renata Gravina, Researcher, La Sapienza University of Rome, Dr. Daria Hejwosz-Gromkowska, Professor, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, and Andrea Virág, Director of Strategy, Republikon Institute, Hungary.

Dr. Tanja Porčnik participated in the online launch of the latest issue of “4liberty.eu Review” No. 16, devoted to the topic of “Toward a Bright European Future”.

Dr. Tanja Porčnik on an online panel discussion titled “Parliamentary Elections in Slovenia 2022” organised by Institut für den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa (IDM) in cooperation with the Political Academy and the Karl Renner Institute (21.4.2022).

Tanja Porčnik on a panel titled “Economic Freedom and Open Society: Opposites or a Necessary Pair?” at Igrzyska Wolności 2021 (12.09.2021)


Tanja Porčnik discusses Covid-19 vaccination is the European Union (23.2.2021)

COVID-19 apart from putting severe pressure on healthcare systems worldwide and causing global economic meltdown has created a number of other challenges. One of the core ones is the question of responsibility. This issue was raised by the European Parliament in September 2020 in the discussion with the representatives of the pharma industry and the European Medicines Agency (EMA), as well as by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in January 2021 in the Resolution “Covid-19 vaccines: ethical, legal and practical considerations”.

Tanja Porčnik discusses human rights in a pandemic on Consumer Choice Radio (11.2.2021)

Tanja Porčnik o TV kriminalkah na ZADNJA BESEDA!, TV Slovenia 1 (6.2.2021)

Tanja Porčnik o vpisu na fakultete na ZADNJA BESEDA!, TV Slovenia 1 (6.2.2021)

Tanja Porčnik o inavguraciji predsednika ZDA in slovesu Jelka Kacina na ZADNJA BESEDA!, TV Slovenia 1 (23.1.2021)

  • Tanja Porčnik discusses post-election America on Slovenia 1 Globus (5.11.2020)
  • Tanja Porčnik discusses freedom of the media at the Republikon Institute (27.2.2020)
  • Moje Mnenje, TV Slovenija 2 (11.12.2019)
  • Moje Mnenje, TV Slovenija 2 (4.12.2019)
  • Why African countries rank poorly in economic freedom indices?, African Liberty (30.11.2019)
  • Liberalizem na stranskem tiru, Teozofska knjižnica in bralnica Alme M. Karlin (8.12.2018)
  • Ekonomska svoboda, Studio City, TV Slovenija 1, 1.10.2018
  • Tanja Porčnik presents her co-authored report “The Human Freedom Index 2017”, Republikon Institute (20.09.2018)
  • Tanja Porčnik discusses the 2017 Human Freedom Index at 28th Economic Forum in Krynica, NašaTV (15.09.2018)
  • Na tretjem: Pred novim valom privatizacije? TV Slovenija 3 (15.6.2018)
  • On the 2017 Human Freedom Index, Centar za antiautoritarne studije (CAAS), 10.5.2018
  • The Autocratic Trend In The Western Balkans – Interview With Tanja Porcnik, 3.4.2018
  • How Free is America?, Stossel on Reason TV, 30.1.2018
  • What is the added value of the Human Freedom Index, Freedom TV Europe, 13.1.2017
  • Liberalism in 10 Seconds, Freedom TV Europe, 4.12.2016
  • Freedom in 10 Seconds, Freedom TV Europe, 4.12.2016
  • 24UR, POP TV, 22.7.2016
  • O panamskih dokumentih, Nova24TV, 6.4.2016
  • Tarča: Poračun nacionalnega interesa, TV Slovenija 1, 11.2.2016
  • Debata o neenakosti, Planet TV, 21.1.2016
  • Odmevi: Po ekonomski svobodi v družbi Kitajske in Nigerije, TV Slovenija 1, 14.9.2015
  • Africa This Morning: Table Talk with Beryl Ooro, Ebru Africa TV, 30.8.2015
  • Fareed Zakaria GPS: On Human Freedom Index, CNN, 22.8.2015
  • Outnumbered: United States Drops to 20 in Overall Freedom Rankings, Fox News, 20.8.2015
  • Polletni pregled: Prvo leto vlade Mira Cerarja, TV Slovenija 3, 4.8.2015
  • Sage o prodaji Telekoma še ni konec, 24UR, POP TV, 8.6.2015
  • Kaj in pod katerimi pogoji prodati, Studio City, TV Slovenija 1, 8.6.2015
  • GOSPODARSKI IZZIVI SLOVENIJE: Upravljanje in poslovanje državnih podjetij – zgolj enkraten projekt ali sprememba vzorca?, Evropska komisija & STA, 5.6.2015
  • Omizje z ekonomisti o privatizaciji, TV Slovenija 3, 22.5.2015
  • Tarča: Poračun nacionalnega interesa, TV Slovenija 1, 16.4.2015
  • Razprava o privatizaciji, TV Slovenija 3, 15.2.2015
  • Danes, Planet TV, 7.2.2015
  • Regulacija medbančnih provizij za kartične plačilne transakcije, 3.11.2014
  • FMRS Ljubjana 2014, Introductory Remarks, 22.4.2014
  • FMRS Ljubljana 2014, Panel 2 (1. del), 22.4.2014
  • FMRS Ljubljana 2014, Panel 2 (2. del), 22.4.2014
  • FMRS Ljubljana 2014, Panel 2 (3. del), 22.4.2014
  • Svoboda in pravičnost v sodobni družbi, DL, 9.12.2013
  • Odmevi, TV Slovenija 1, 3.10.2013
  • O posledicah prihoda trojke in nerealnem proračunu (1. del), 3.10.2013
  • O posledicah prihoda trojke in nerealnem proračunu (2.del), 3.10.2013
  • Odmevi, TV Slovenija 1, 2.10.2013
  • Europe’s Debt: America’s Crisis?, Free To Choose Network, avgust 2012 (IMDb)
  • Poročila ob petih, TV Slovenija 1, 29.3.2012
  • Dnevnik: Ekonomska svoboda sveta 2011,  TV Slovenija 1, 20.9.2011
  • Odmevi: Ekonomska svoboda sveta 2009,  TV Slovenija 1,  18.9.2009