human rights Tag

Nationalism and Populism Detrimental to Freedom

Posted by dr. Tanja Porčnik in Članki, Človekove pravice, Gospodarstvo, Pravni red, Tehnologija, Trgovina

With the rise of nationalism, populism, and hybrid forms of authoritarianism, freedom has been for years under assault in many parts of the world. Unsurprisingly, among the countries with the most substantial deteriorations in freedom in recent years are Turkey and Poland, both experiencing evident weakening…

Indeks človekove svobode

Posted by Visio institut in Človekove pravice, Gospodarstvo, Knjige, Pravni red, Trgovina

AVTORJA: Ian Vásquez in Tanja Porčnik IZDAJATELJI: Cato institut, Fraser institut in Liberales institut SOIZDAJATELJA: Institut za ekoomske analize in Visio institut Indeks človekove svobode (ang. Human Freedom Index) poda celostno oceno stanja svobode po svetu. Človekova svoboda je koncept, ki priznava dostojanstvo posameznika, med drugim…