Author: Visio institut Review No. 12

Posted by Visio institut in Gospodarstvo, Knjige

We are pleased to present the twelfth issue of Review, titled “Taxing Taxation: Labor and Capital in CEE”. This time, our focus is the taxation of labor and capital – from Poland and the Czech Republic, to Ukraine, Bulgaria, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. We do, however, tackle…

Human Freedom and Economic Prosperity: Evidence from Eastern Europe

Posted by Visio institut in Članki, Pravni red

By Elena Makrevska Disoska* and Katerina Shapkova Kocevska** The main mechanism that relates human freedom to economic growth is channeled through institutional and economic factors, such as government effectiveness, investments, and trade. Therefore, institutions are an important determinant of economic prosperity in countries worldwide. Institutions…

STA: Raziskava: Mejna obdavčitev najbolje plačanih v Sloveniji druga najvišja med državami OECD in EU

Posted by Visio institut in V medijih

Ljubljana/Stockholm, 23. oktobra – Mejna obdavčitev v najvišjem dohodkovnem razredu je v Sloveniji druga najvišja med 41 članicami OECD in EU, je pokazala raziskava, narejena v okviru mreže evropskih raziskovalnih inštitutov Epicenter. Pred Slovenijo se uvršča Švedska. Najvišja je mejna obdavčitev v državah severne in…