Pravni red

Open Letter to WIPO Director General Daren Tang

Posted by Visio institut in Članki, Človekove pravice, Gospodarstvo, Pravni red, Sporočila za javnost, Tehnologija

With the below 101 groups from 47 countries, we celebrate World Intellectual Property Day with WIPO and the creativity, inventiveness, and entrepreneurial spirit protected by intellectual property rights around the world. This year’s theme, IP & SMEs: Taking your ideas to market, illustrates a sign… Review No. 13

Posted by Visio institut in Knjige, Pravni red, Tehnologija

We are pleased to present the thirteenth issue of Review, titled “DisinforNation: Disinformation Practices in CEE”. This time, our primary focus is the methods, techniques and tools employed by various agents in the region aimed at seeding and spreading false or manufactured information. By analyzing the…

Human Freedom and Economic Prosperity: Evidence from Eastern Europe

Posted by Visio institut in Članki, Pravni red

By Elena Makrevska Disoska* and Katerina Shapkova Kocevska** The main mechanism that relates human freedom to economic growth is channeled through institutional and economic factors, such as government effectiveness, investments, and trade. Therefore, institutions are an important determinant of economic prosperity in countries worldwide. Institutions…