
DELO: Demokracija v povolilni Ameriki

Posted by dr. Tanja Porčnik in Članki, Politični sistem, V medijih

Vir: Demokracija v povolilni Ameriki, Delo (10.11.2020). Miren prenos moči je bistveni element uspešnega ameriškega demokratičnega eksperimenta, starega več kot dvesto let. V demokratičnih družbah glas ljudstva določa volitve. Demokratični postopek v ZDA je leta 2016 izvolil predsednika Trumpa. Štiri leta pozneje, potem ko bodo prešteti in…

Power of Information

Posted by dr. Tanja Porčnik in Članki, Gospodarstvo, Tehnologija

Over time, sources of information have changed from print and broadcast media to that of modern information‐​technologies, such as mobile telephones and the Internet. Information has, however, always played a critical role in shaping people’s views and, therefore, actions. Accordingly, World Development Information Day is celebrated every year…

4Liberty.eu Review No. 13

Posted by Visio institut in Knjige, Pravni red, Tehnologija

We are pleased to present the thirteenth issue of 4liberty.eu Review, titled “DisinforNation: Disinformation Practices in CEE”. This time, our primary focus is the methods, techniques and tools employed by various agents in the region aimed at seeding and spreading false or manufactured information. By analyzing the…